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Seven principles of time management

Updated: May 27, 2022

1. Formulate a clear vision. Every time you are going to do something, ask yourself: "What am I really going to achieve?" By clearly realizing your goals, you increase the chances of achieving them.

2. Complete tasks one at a time. Keep one task in focus, do it right, then move on to another. The work takes place where your attention is directed.

3. Work a little and often. The brain works more efficiently when it regularly performs feasible tasks. A break is needed for recovery and adaptation. During rest, the brain forms new neural connections. This works for both the mental and physical abilities of a person.

4. Set boundaries. When boundaries are defined, it's easier to concentrate. Limitations stimulate creative thinking. Projects with poorly defined boundaries "blur" life and work.

5. Use closed lists — lists of cases to which new items cannot be added. While there are unfulfilled items on the list, do not take on new tasks. Since the goal is to complete all the tasks on the list, the order of execution does not matter.

6. Remove interrupts. Random factors ruin the plans for the day. The most frequent interruption is adding new cases to the current list. In this case, you have to do something that you did not plan. Don't let random events control your work and life. Ask yourself, "What controls my life? Noise or a conscious vision of the life path?"

7. Focus on commitment. Before you start a new business, ask yourself how it will affect your existing obligations. Get ready for the fact that in order to implement a new task, you will have to sacrifice other obligations, otherwise you will complain about the lack of time.

Pengunsite LLC
time management

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