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Psychology of remote work: how not to go crazy. Relationships with yourself, friends, and family

Health is in your hands and this is a problem. Remote work can become a huge opportunity for health and appearance and can become the most negative factor in the systematic deterioration of the body. There are two main ways.

Alas, unpopular. Choose a nutrition plan, use breaks for small rounds of physical exercises for several approaches, and devote some of your free time to running, gym, swimming pool, and sports (when they are available). And home workshops, to be honest, work wonders when you use them on a regular basis. It is not necessary to buy exercise machines and pile up an expensive mini-gym, there is enough mat and your weight for effective classes.

Alas, popular. Eat — code — repeat. Food delivery, a clogged refrigerator, snacks, and sweets are ideal for monotonous work. It seems that even the mood is improving (and it is, only temporarily). But then it gets much worse from obesity, changes in glucose tolerance (diabetes mellitus nearby), shortness of breath, changes in posture, gastritis, and other gastrointestinal diseases, damaged skin and hair, leg pain (weight + sedentary lifestyle will turn your feet into a problem, look for sneakers a size bigger) and so on.

You need to be very conscious and responsible to yourself in order to stay on the first path and not drive into the second and not get stuck in a comfortable rut. Getting out of the second way is very, very difficult (especially if you are 30+ and already have some problems), so the most valuable advice, in this case, is: just don't start. Fast dopamine turns food into a drug too quickly.

If you are already firmly stuck in health and body problems, start going out right now — with a minimum, with small restrictions, from the first set of exercises. Just don't step back and don't look back. Leave only one food ordering service on your mobile phone, install an application with workshops, and buy a fitness tracker and a glucose meter (this one is especially able to scare and motivate). It will be bad, sad, and slow, but in a month the trend of cheerfulness and pleasure will creep up, and you will smile in the mirror. Remember: appearance and health are another of your jobs.

Loneliness will want to get acquainted. You can be alone and not alone, but you can be in the center of events and stay alone. However, being in relative social isolation (being at a remote job), a person is more at risk of being alone. And it, in turn, is harmful to intellectual activity: there is depression, anxiety, self-doubt, constant anxiety, stress, and depression. There is a real possibility of physical ailments. It is difficult to be alone with your thoughts and events in life.

Getting out of loneliness is your great work, which is not connected with the circle of communication. You have to be in the cage, in your life, at work. Tune in to the fact that you are not alone, but simply chose a convenient format of work and bring benefits. Communicate, comment, go to conferences and meetups, and read various books — and you will not notice how you will forget about the worst thoughts alone with yourself. This is especially easy in IT: despite the closeness of the sphere itself, literally, every city is full of meetings, events, online, etc. Just don't brush it off. In addition, inside such events, you can make good acquaintances, find interesting side projects (or work), become a speaker, mentor, etc.

You stop feeling like a business person, a business person, communication skills are lost — and almost cleaner than foreign language skills. This is really a very big problem that the remoter will definitely face. If you are ready to become a manager inside the company, take up the work of a colleague who has gone on vacation or on a free break, participate in the discussion of the company's strategy from the positions of an expert or an amateur, on the remote you actually limit yourself to your work and become an excellent (well, or not very cool) performer. And this affects your personal traits: there is self-doubt, fear of the new, misunderstanding of the overall strategy and your place in it, fear for work, and so on.

You become nervous. Outside of social communication, with a very narrow circle of contacts, the mood changes a lot, sudden changes appear, and you forget about restraint and tact because you do not use them in constant communication. In no case can you let yourself relax and change the style of communication, let the mood steer you. Do not forget that you are communicating with colleagues, clients, etc., in a business environment. By the way, a change of home clothes to a more strict, business-like one helps to return to the "gentleman" state.

But clothes are small things. The main thing is not to lose the pulse of the company, even if it becomes more and more difficult for you. Read about competitors, about the market in which you work, learn new things in your activity — and then you will be on the crest of a wave. But, I admit, it is much more difficult to do it remotely than in the office. However, someone is satisfied with being just a cool performer "from now to now". And by the way, it saves a lot of nerves, health, and mental strength.

In general, if you feel that your battery is inexorably running out, get on the charge: books, training, communication, sports. By the way, morning exercise itself is an excellent source of dopamine and a useful habit, no kidding.

Relationships with friends

"Let's chat, OK?" — this is how a remote employee increasingly reacts to an offer to chat on the phone or take a walk. And it's not that a person has gone wild and avoids communication (and this too), it's a misunderstanding and a difference of interests. It is difficult for friends who work in the office to understand a person on the remote: when they meet, they dump a little envy on your head, mixed with all sorts of myths about the remote ("wow, you're freebie", "well, you're scoring at work", "wow, you're doing everything now", "class, more time for Masha you pay attention", "awesome, you can play *** without end"). It does not cause anything but anger and dislike, and proving your honesty, decency, and workload with foam at the mouth is not the best pastime at a friendly get—together.

And I'll tell you straight out: after self-isolation, it got worse. Friends and acquaintances, according to the news of their condition, forgot about work (and there was less of it), did their own business, carried out repairs, created culinary masterpieces and now they believe even less in labor feats, they say they swam, we know, a remote woman is on a slack. Nothing to prove. Very soon, 1-2 of the closest friends remain, with the rest of the paths diverging. Moreover, it is often friends from among colleagues who see the results of your work from day to day.

Oddly enough, the lack of time to communicate with friends will make itself felt quite quickly, literally by the end of the first year. And the reluctance to communicate with them will come even earlier.

Relations with relatives

Misunderstanding is the first thing you will experience, especially if you live/communicate with the older generation. Not only that, for them, working at a computer = playing or playing entertainment content, but also "at home on the stove". Everything, for them you are a free and constantly available workforce, any attempt to set working boundaries is tantamount to betrayal. "Well, you're sitting at home," is an argument that will be the last in the mouths of your wives/husbands and parents when they refuse their requests. It is difficult to overcome this. Exit: your own locked room, your own apartment, or coworking. Otherwise, you will wallow in resentment. Personally, I managed to change the opinion of the elders a little, but this is at least 5 years. Therefore, it is better to simply indicate the time of work and the time of helping relatives.

I do not have children and husbands/wives, but from the experience of those familiar with the remote, the story has a wide range of options: from "murmur, both on the remote, the house, in turn, to be with mom" to divorces and breakups. But it seems to me that it is a little easier to negotiate with a partner and children than with parents.

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