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A Day in the Life of a Recruiter

Updated: May 26, 2022

To independently search for specialists, you must clearly understand what you will have to go through

Cold Recruiting

Like cold calls, this type of recruiting complicates the life of its recruiter. According to statistics, only 30% are inactive search. And with the remaining 70%, we have to work "cold".

Therefore, cold letters, calls, correspondence in messengers and social networks are used to communicate with such applicants.

And the recruiter needs special correspondence skills because only the company is interested in cooperation, which means that the vacancy will have to be sold without scaring off its applicant.

Fundamentals and principles of recruiting

Recruiting relies on its own foundation — the competently built work of the recruiter and the customer. We will tell you about several points that are necessary for effective work on vacancies.


The task of the recruiter (or more often his supervisor) is to conduct a brief of the customer, to provide questions from candidates at the start in order to be ready to answer most of the applicant's questions during the initial communication.

Therefore, it is important to find out all the specifics: who we are looking for, what experience and skills are needed, who we will not consider, and why. Who is he - our "ideal" candidate. Even if you have been working with the customer for a long time and have closed similar positions, new introductory ones may appear, and it is important to say them.


In the application, as a rule, there is a line about the deadline for closing a vacancy, but no one writes about the deadlines for reviewing a resume. Often it is at this stage that a plug appears and some of the candidates fall off.

A preliminary discussion of the deadlines will save you from "hanging" letters with resumes and the rejection of candidates due to a long wait.

Interview format:

Talk through the interview dates and slots with the customer, agree on test and verification questions. If there are inconsistencies between the requirements of the application and the actual experience of the candidate, discuss all the points with the customer in advance and make sure that he has had time to study the resume in detail.


If you showed the first candidate to the manager, he liked him, but still wants to see more — find out what exactly confuses him about the candidate, what is needed for a firm "yes". Explain to the customer that by delaying the selection, the company risks losing a worthy candidate and spending more resources to find the right person.


Before you start the recruitment funnel, decide which employees the company will need to solve its strategic and tactical tasks. If the business enters a period of calm, and you recruit people who need constant changes and drive, then your efforts will be wasted.


Evaluating people, you cannot be 100% sure that you have made the right conclusion. During the interview, there are so many external and internal factors that you need to double-check your impressions. It is best to alternate approaches at different points in the interview to minimize mistakes.


Ideal candidates respond by themselves, arrive on time, love your company in advance... and do not exist. Therefore, in the list of requirements and when making a search query, prioritize: which of the criteria is most important, and what can be discarded.

Constant search

Experienced recruiters have their own processes, and among them: you can not stop the search, even if the finalist accepted the offer. A valuable candidate may be given a controller or he will accept an offer from another company. So, the backup candidate is your "airbag".

Every recruiter has its own success stories and losses behind them. And if you are just starting your way in the world of recruiting, then for you the TOP 3 features that shape the modern world of recruitment:

Candidates dictate the rules of the game. The times when a company could scatter resumes right and left are already in the past. Now, even for ordinary positions, it can be difficult to find worthy candidates. There is nothing to say about IT recruitment: there are ten times more vacancies there than there are applicants.

Active sales

The search for candidate clients, establishing contact, working out objections — there are familiar sales stages in recruiting. So the sales funnel migrated to its recruiting and turned into a recruitment funnel. One of the key skills of a recruitment specialist in the IT field is the ability to "sell" a vacancy to a candidate and eventually bring him to work for you or the customer.

Use "helicopter view". Just looking around is no longer enough, you need to turn your head 360 degrees and see beyond the network of your contacts. The ability to look into other groups, not to miss a single new opportunity, get contacts of referrers, constantly expand your network — these skills will be in demand even more than long-term experience.

Pengunsite LLC
Life of a Recruiter

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