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Job offer in IT

Updated: May 27, 2022

Candidates have the first word in IT recruitment. They compare offers and choose the best for themselves. How not to get lost in this mass and make an offer attractive to the candidate? The job offer will help with this. Let's take a closer look at what it is needed for and how to compose it correctly.

The term "job offer" came from the practice of Western companies and means a job offer or cooperation. In the IT field, the term has been shortened to a simple offer.

And if it is an official document in foreign companies, then it does not have legal force in our country. The purpose of the offer is to fix the final decision in writing.

Why is the job offer important?

For the candidate

In addition to the interview, developers perform test tasks and wait for a response from several days to a week. Of course, this is an extreme option — it's not worth delaying for so long. The offer is the final point in the selection stages.

For a developer, a written offer is an indicator of the company's serious intentions and image. Who does not do this causes distrust and questions. Just imagine: the Middle developer already has 2 offers on hand. And then you make him an offer, but you can't send an offer, because you don't accept it. At least strange. It is important for programmers to get this document.

Another point is the payment arrangements. When the recruiter voices the income only verbally, the conditions are blurred. The developer may request more at the last moment, trying to fill his price. If there is a signed offer, it's a different story. So the candidate has accepted the conditions and agrees to them.

For the company

The offer may be conditional, but it is a document that reduces the risks of a candidate's refusal. And also a sign of confident company and good manners. Even if it's a startup offer, it will play to your advantage.

This document is also important for managers and team leaders. For them, this is a kind of guarantee that a person is almost on the team.

What to indicate in the offer

To save time, prepare several offer templates when applying for a job. For example, for leadership positions, and developer levels. You will just need to change a few lines and the document is ready.

Let's list the mandatory items in the job offer:

* Subject of the letter

• Company logo

* Title (job offer from the company/Job offer/Welcome to the team)

• The offer itself

• Title of the position and full name of the head

* Job responsibilities

* Main tasks and responsibilities

* Schedule and vacation (if the work is a project - it's worth mentioning)

• Duration of the probationary period

* Salary level (for the period of probation and how the conditions will change after its completion)

• Additional conditions (VMI, social package, relocation package)

* Deadlines for going to work

• Date and signature of the manager

Example of a job offer

First, decide on the style. In marketing, there is such a concept of Tone of Voice — the tone of the company in which communication with customers takes place. This technique is also applicable in recruitment. Think about how you position yourself.

You can start from a formal or informal style. The first option is suitable for manufacturing companies with strict regulations and is not always relevant for IT positions. A job offer in a formal style is suitable for grocery companies and startups. Generally speaking, developers like clear wording and a human approach.

Good afternoon.

I am glad to welcome you to the team!

Position _________ in the company _____________

Full name of the manager _____________

Trial period ____________

Salary for the period of probation _____________ ( net of taxes)

After passing the probation period, the salary —____________

Information about your income remains confidential.

Work schedule ___________ with a full-time job in the office.

You will be granted an annual paid leave of 28 calendar days.

Additional benefits

VMI (after passing the probationary period), full social package, corporate meals.

Sincerely, the full name of the head/HR


I accept the terms of work

Signature (full name)_______________

Date of employment ________

What else is important

Prescribe only what you discussed with the developer without exaggerating the points that the company will not be able to fulfill.

Avoid vague formulations and general phrases. And the offer should display the essence of your offer.

The job offer makes it possible to show attractiveness for the candidate, so specify the existing "buns" in the company. This is a nice bonus that can influence the candidate's decision.

Start the letter with introductory sentences, and it is better to attach the offer itself in an attachment. You can put a supervisor in a copy of the letter. Be sure to specify the response time - no more than three days. The recruiter will not have to pull, and the developer will not delay with the answer.


John, hello!

I am glad to announce a positive decision on your candidacy for the position (position)__________ in the company __________

I attach an offer in the attachment. Please read and send a response within 3 days.

If you have any questions, please call.

We are waiting for your decision.

And if the refusal?

A brilliantly composed offer does not guarantee that the developer will definitely choose you.

Rejection of a vacancy after a job offer is an individual moment, so try to get honest feedback.

It may be necessary:

* review salary and bonus levels;

* working conditions (schedule, daily routine);

* change the format.

There is no single template. Draw conclusions and respond flexibly to the requests of candidates, then the job offer will complement the offer.

Job offer in IT

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