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"Digital nomads" — business tourists of the new time

A person from the digital sphere who works freely anywhere in the world, where he is comfortable and has the Internet, is called a "digital nomad" or "digital nomad". More than 20 countries support this format of work and travel, counting on a profit for the domestic economy. The advantages are obvious — countries replenish the tax budget and restore local business, and nomads receive a simplified residence permit, and unlimited opportunities to travel and work.

6 countries Most visited by Digital nomads

According to the analytics service kupibilet.RU Among the domestic digital nomads, the most popular countries are the UAE, Germany, Georgia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Portugal. In 2021, tourists in the UAE bought air tickets 9 times more often than in 2020 and by 28% more than in 2019. The Emirates are followed by Germany and Georgia. At the same time, 78% fewer travelers chose the country of the Caucasus Mountains than before the pandemic. Croatia is in fourth place — relative to the indicators of 2019, the country's attendance increased 8 times. The Czech Republic is in fifth place – so far, 78% less people go there than to other countries in the rating. Portugal is at the end of the list of the most popular countries among digital nomads

Digital Generation Visas

In order to attract digital nomads to themselves, states are developing special migration rules. Let's analyze in detail the conditions of stay for digital nomads in one of the top-6 countries.


Nomads love Dubai for its excellent internet connection. In addition, you can freely get an education and use telecommunications here. In order for a digital nomad to work in Dubai, he needs to get a visa "Dubai Remote Work Nomad Visa". It is issued if these conditions are met:

Conclusion of an annual working contract;

The size of the PO is at least 5,000 US dollars per month.


Due to the high demand for digital nomadism, the country has developed a new type of visa – "Freiberufler Visa" or "Aufenthaltserlaubnis für selbständige Tätigkeit". With it, foreign freelancers can get a residence permit from 3 months to 3 years. To obtain a digital visa, you need:

Know German;

Have a permanent place of residence;

Earn at least 9,000 euros a year;

Cooperate with German clients;

Pay taxes to the country's budget.


Georgia has created a special type of visa for digital nomads – "Remotely from Georgia". To get it, you must comply with the following conditions:

Earn an income of at least $ 2,000 per month;

Pay taxes to the Georgian treasury.

Russian tourists and residents of the CIS countries may not apply for a visa and stay in Georgia without it for a year. It is important to get a work permit by sending an application to the government of the country.


The Czech Republic offers digital nomads a visa "Zivno", which is valid for a year. Digital nomads often choose this country because of the high Internet speed and budget prices for everyday expenses. To apply for a visa, you will need:

Trading license;

A rental agreement for at least a year;

Savings in the account in the amount of 5,587 euros;

Monthly tax payment of $80.


Travelers need to apply for a digital visa while directly in the country. You can get it if the following conditions are met:

Conclude a lease agreement/employment agreement/work contract;

Receive a salary of at least 2,500 euros per month.


Portugal issues digital nomads a national visa "D7", which allows them to obtain a residence permit and extend it for up to 5 years. In order to issue it, a digital nomad must purchase real estate in the country and confirm the ability to financially support himself and relatives living at his expense. The nomad's monthly income must be at least 600 euros per month.

To the treasury of which country to pay the tax?

Going on digital nomadism, one should not forget about the timely payment of taxes. In order not to be fined a large sum, you need to remember that:

After issuing a long-term visa, you need to notify the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 2 months. Otherwise, the tourist will face high fines and even criminal punishment.

You can be a tax resident only in one state. This status is assigned if a person has been in the country for more than 183 days.

A digital nomad, staying abroad for up to six months, is still a tax resident of his country and must pay personal income tax in the amount of 13%.

Digital Nomad remains a currency resident of its country for a year and must notify the Federal Tax Service about the opening or closing of foreign accounts and the movement of funds on them. If he returns to his country for at least a day, the countdown of the annual period will begin anew.

Professionals of the new time should try digital nomadism. Moreover, it makes the world truly limitless even in times of forced restrictions.

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